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What No One Tells You About Dating A White Guy
While it's true that the heart is often color blind, it's also true that there are definitely some cultural and social norms that may always exist. It's alright, you just need to embrace the fact that you may need to explain some things more than once, and that if you love the person you're with, then you should be willing to educate them.
Your hair will always be a conversation.
Just know that your hair is going to be something you need to explain more than once. Black women's hair is going to be a constant mystery to most white people, and that means you'll have to explain why you do things like moisturize, protect it with a satin cap, etc. Get over this one right away, because they will eventually see your routine, and most likely quite often if things are going well.
The N-word may never leave their lips, but they will probably want discuss why other people say it.
Be firm on your stance on this topic so that your partner understands exactly how you feel about it. This is something you don't want to send a mixed message about, and that way your partner can save themselves from some embarrassing scenarios.
Stereotypes like fried chicken and watermelon are known by everyone.
Everyone's now aware of these things, and everyone loves both of them (at least those with good taste). If you see your partner shying away from discussing how much they'd love some fried chicken, then just assure them that it's fine to tell you about it because you love it too.
Your family frightens him too.
Meeting families is always a bit of a scary ordeal. As much as you might be worried about any racism from his family, he's wondering the same thing about yours. Talk about it together, and also talk to your families. If they don't want to meet your partner because he's white, then that's their problem. No one should dictate who you can love in this world besides yourself, and the person you're in love with if it's become a bit more of a stalking scenario.
You probably grew up with different foods, so get ready to try new things.
He may take you out for some foods you've never even though about, and you might introduce him to a whole new level of spice. Remember, food is a culturally profound moment to share with someone you care about.
Be open to new experiences.
There are going to be some cultural new experiences that you can introduce each other to, and you should try to be open to them. Music can often be a big one, and that means you might hear some bands that you and your friends just never got around to. Sharing cultural experiences is a gift that can broaden relationships.
Who you love has nothing to do with your race.
It's true that there's a lot of pressure put on interracial couples by both sides of the fence, but at the end of the day it's what you two feel that matters. If you both enjoy spending time together and share similar passions, then why should the color of your skin, or where your family's from, ever matter. Enjoying another person that's different than you is just one more spice in this life, and if you know anything about Black life, then you know we love our spices.
- Your hair will always be a conversation.
- The N-word may never leave their lips, but they will probably want discuss why other people say it.
- Stereotypes like fried chicken and watermelon are known by everyone.
- Your family frightens him too.
- You probably grew up with different foods, so get ready to try new things.
- Be open to new experiences.
- Who you love has nothing to do with your race.
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